About Us

Snapshots Through Time strives to please the customer, both in quality of merchandise and quality service.  Snapshots Through Time is a business with multiple shops that specializes in vintage goods.  These items include everything from vintage collectibles to home decor to vintage barware to vintage books.  Snapshots Through Time began it's online business by selling vintage cameras, vintage books and vintage Pyrex.  Since the beginning, Snapshots Through Time has expanded into selling antiques, vintage drinking glasses, vintage ceramics and unique vintage items.  If you are ever looking for a particular vintage item, and you think that we might sell it, just ask.  We are always here to please the customer.  Feel free to browse our shops, and if you ever have any questions then please ask.


My business specializes in vintage items.  Since I was a child, I have been fascinated with older objects.  As a child, I remember those few times going to the flea market with my father and seeing all of those items that we now call antiques.  I have always been amazed how people in the past lived before electronics and modern conveniences.  Many of those items that I saw in my childhood and throughout my life have now become vintage collectibles, and photographs in my mind... or as my online shops are called.. Snapshots Through Time.           ~Andy

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